Letting nature support your team’s journey.
Would you like your team to make a step forward / overcome an issue?
Give everyone the best chance of sustained success by letting nature support the journey.
As our clients have discovered, the quality of conversation and listening improves outdoors as does openness and creativity. Meeting together in nature allows people to be more open to discussing challenges and to being congruent. People get to know each other in a way that is just not possible in a work environment and the perspective people gain from being in nature cannot be replicated in an office.
We can work anywhere globally and welcome the opportunity to explore what the best solution to help you meet your need.
“I want to say a very big thanks to you for your excellent preparation and engaging facilitation of the team and me :-), as well as your positive approach, and commitment to help us move forward at pace on our journey. The team are fully engaged in the work that is needed to drive our High Performance Collaboration journey. The conditions you’ve created and the focus you provide are a big reason for that. Look forward to the next chapter.”
- R Carrol, VP Marketing, Wrigley
Effective teams are the key to continued success. How many people can say that their team is truly high performing; adding value each day, trusting of each other, communicating effectively within the team and with stakeholders, aligned on their purpose and knowing how to deliver against it?
Your team may be an intact team, a project group or may require facilitation support.
Team coaching could be half a day or a longer-term journey with a team.
If appropriate we can work with you on a diagnostic prior to creating an intervention for you.
Our work with teams often takes place in parks, barns, cottages, youth hostels, country pubs, nature reserves.
We are always delighted to find new and exciting venues.
“From the outset our team were more honest with themselves and each other than I have ever experienced. We were more open and less guarded. It was like the business facade had been dropped and we were a group of 'real people. I believe this was due to being in an outdoor setting (and of course having a great coach!), away from the personal demands in the office.
We were also surprisingly candid for a group of men - it was like someone had flicked a switch and it was a safe environment to be honest.”
- IS, Client, Mars